View a Map of a Route

Here's how to see a color map of a route with each of the stops indicated.


From the Lynx Main Menu . . . 

1. Left-click on Delivery.

2. A drop down menu will appear

3. Left-click on Find a Route.

4. This will display the Add, Change, Delete Routes window.

5. Left-click the buttons to display all the routes you've set up.

6. This will display a drop-down list of all your routes:



7. Left-click on the route you're looking for.

8.  Left-click the  button to display the Route Options drop-down menu.

9. Hover your cursor over "Plot the most efficient course for selected stops" and select "Plot the most efficient course for selected stops on this route".


10. This will display a Route Map of the route you selected. 

11. To have Lynx rearrange the route to be most efficient for deliveries press the  button.

12. When you're done, left-click the close button to return to the Lynx Main Menu.